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Will Daniel Radcliffe returns as harry potter in Fantastic Beats Flash-Forward?

Will Daniel Radcliffe returns as harry potter in Fantastic Beats Flash-Forward?

According to the Cinemablend, Several Harry Potter stars have just announced that they're coming back to their positions for a cool movie. Daniel Radcliffe was not among those. He's still part of cast reunions with Harry Potter, but mostly he's trying to be like Ben Affleck post-Batman: he wants to move on. There are actually two much smaller films being promoted by Daniel Radcliffe than the Harry Potter films-Escape From Pretoria and Weapons Akimbo. Nevertheless, since he is still Harry Potter and the franchise is currently in the middle of his prequel series of Fantastic Beasts, he was asked to return for a possible Fantastic Beasts sequel to Harry Potter.

Writer Harry Potter J.K. Rowling said she plans to write five Fantastic Beasts films, and it is hoped that they will culminate in the duel between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald in 1945.

Fantastic Beasts 3 is just starting production, so the timing suits Daniel Radcliffe for a problem— even if it would take the timeline to link with Harry Potter a big flash-forward from the final film.

Variety asked Daniel Radcliffe if he'd ever come back for one of the Fantastic Beasts movies as Harry Potter and here's what he said: "I wasn’t picking projects that were weird for weird’s sake. Swiss Army The man was weird in that it’s about a farting corpse coming back to life and that’s not for everybody. At the same time, it’s an incredibly smart film that has something beautiful to say about being human. I’ve done Guns Akimbo, where I’ve had guns bolted to my hands, but I’ve also done Escape From Pretoria, which is really grounded in reality. I think people saw me play one thing for so long that it seems more notable that I do loads of different stuff now".

What he said when asked recently if he is interested in joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He actually appeared to be somewhat open to the idea but added the caveat that a major franchise script would have to clear a very high bar because he doesn't want to sign away his life again.

I wasn’t picking projects that were weird for weird’s sake. Swiss Army Man was weird in that it’s about a farting corpse coming back to life and that’s not for everybody. At the same time, it’s an incredibly smart film that has something beautiful to say about being human. I’ve done Guns Akimbo, where I’ve had guns bolted to my hands, but I’ve also done Escape From Pretoria, which is really grounded in reality. I think people saw me play one thing for so long that it seems more notable that I do loads of different stuff now."
So now, I think he's really smart with his post-Harry Potter choices, like Robert Pattinson with his post-Twilight choices (and post-Harry Potter too).

That said, I would love to relate the Harry Potter movies and the Fantastic Beasts series more explicitly than with characters like Albus Dumbledore, played by Jude Law in the prequel movies.

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