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4th phase of marvel studios "The Eternals"

4th phase of marvel studios  "The Eternals"

After the production of Avengers End game, marvel movies have created a new phase of the world which means new superheroes with new powers and MCU tries to connect this movie with the Avengers End game because "Black Widow" is based on her past life before those who have seen Avengers End game knew that she has died while taking the soul stone and to protect his friend clint Barton( Hawkeye) to win the battle from Thanos so the story of this movie is between Caption America Civil war and Avenger Infinity war. 

And when we talk about the movie and its characters we did not know much of The Eternals ' story. Marvel chief Kevin Feige previously revealed, according to the information, that the film will cover about 7,000 years, beginning from when the characters were first created. The Eternals introduces exciting new heroes in the MCU, ancient aliens who have lived on Earth in secrecy for thousands of years. During Avengers Endgame period a disaster brings them out of the darkness and reunites against the most ancient enemy of humanity, The Deviants.
And how this movie is connected to "Endgame"
According to the rumours, there will be at least a part of 'The Eternals' after the Endgame events. Kevin Feige has also said the characters in The Eternals are aware of the Avengers, so there's a good chance they'll be mentioned in the script. We don't know how much the Endgame events will play into the plot, at some point, there's been a lot of talk of Thanos returning, which could make things quite interesting and surprising because this movie shows the past events so this could be possible.

And in the comics, Thanos is the son of two members of The Eternals in the and has the gene(heredity) of Deviants. Considering how the Deviants in The Eternals is the main villain, there's a chance they'll try to bring him back. It is also important to consider the Deviants as an enemy to mankind. This is a slight change from the books, where The Eternals are the main superheroes to protect mankind. It is said that they are forced to be out from their hiding and sounds like it is done by the Deviants after the "Endgame"
And what more about this movie

This movie has cast some of the brightest stars of Hollywood. This movie will introduce Kit Harrison as black knight  Richard madden as Ikaris  Angelina Jolie as Thena kumail as Nanjiani Ma Dong as Forgotten One Salma Hayek as Ajak  Lauren Ridloff as Makkari and Bryan Tyree as Phaistos etc which will make this movie so interesting to watch.

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