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Naruto: 'Boruto' Synopsis Teases Current Arc's Big Finale

Naruto: 'Boruto' Synopsis Teases Current Arc's Big Finale

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations' Mitsuki Disappearance arc as some are dubbing it the longest arc in the series to date and stress how much it feels like it's the longest that end of the arc seems to be in sight as the synopsis for Episode 88 of the series teases the beginning of a "decisive battle" in the Hidden Stone.

Naruto: 'Boruto' Synopsis Teases Current Arc's Big Finale
Naruto: 'Boruto' Synopsis Teases Current Arc's Big Finale
 The Episode 88 of the series is currently scheduled to air January 6, 2019 in Japan and is titled "Clash: Kokuyou" and the synopsis for the episode teases the set up for its titular clash, that are  finally heading toward the end stages of the Mitsuki Disappearance arc Boruto and his comrades have been controlled by Kakuyou. 

Meanwhile, Kuu and his comrades have gained total control of Iwagakure Village: It's become completely changed. While in this desperate situation, Shikadai appears and unbinds Boruto and his comrades from their controlling Joining forces with Inojin and Cho-Cho, they battle Kokuyou as Boruto hurries over to Kuu's location.

As for what Kuu's going to be up to, it seems he an Ohnoki will have a major emotional moment as Kuu begins to rebel against Ohnoki's wishes, "Seeing Kuu on a rampage...Ohnoki feels disheartened. Even though he's commanded Kuu to try and stop fighting immediately, that voice doesn't seem to reach him. We can see in the latest episode of the series how Kuu and the other created  started to rebel against their master's wishes, as they sought to gain hearts of their own which seems this will be a major theme going into the final episode.

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