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One Piece Reveals New Beasts Pirates Allies

One Piece Reveals New Beasts Pirates Allies

Wano Country has bringing some of the biggest threats to Luffy and his band of swashbucklers, the Straw Hat Pirates, than the prurchase has ever seen.  One Piece manga, which  looks like an even bigger threat is sailing within our heroes' horizon as Kaido and his Beast Pirates have managed to acquire some new allies that Who exactly did Kaido and his crew come to an agreement with to create a new pirate alliance that will scare the Grand Line.

None other than Big Mom, and her appropriately titled Big Mom Pirates, have express to join forces with Kaido and the Beast Pirates, at least for the time being. As the two announce their alliance, both Kaido and Big Mom laugh over a drink, while also explaining that once they've managed to use their combined forces in order to take over the world.

One Piece Reveals New Beasts Pirates Allies
One Piece Reveals New Beasts Pirates Allies
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The starting of the Wano Country Arc, Kaido and Big Mom were nowhere near the friendliest of terms, with the two pirate leaders warning one another that each believed they had the right to be the one to deliver the killing blow to Monkey D. Luffy. With Big Mom eventually being captured by the Beast Pirates, the story line seemed to be pointing toward a final showdown between the two One Piece opponent.

The world shaking fight between Kaido and Big Mom was about to take place which Little did they know that the history the two pirates shared was apparently enough for them to overlook their hatred for one another, putting their rivalry aside and joining forces to bend the world to their whims. Can Luffy and company manage to somehow take down the most powerful pirate alliance that they've ever faced.

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