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One Piece Reveals Luffy's New Plan To Liberate Wano

One Piece Reveals Luffy's New Plan To Liberate Wano

When it comes to One Piece, Monkey D. Luffy has some  well interesting luck with his plans that Straw Hats try to pick their best steps every time they go into battle, but it doesn’t always work out. However, that may all change for Luffy in Wano..Recently, One Piece set out with its Wano arc, and it saw Luffy uncover a new plan to take down Kaido and Orochi. 
One Piece Reveals Luffy's New Plan To Liberate Wano
One Piece Reveals Luffy's New Plan To Liberate Wano

The Flower Capital, but surely it is fate that has brought you here to Udon,” Hyogoro said after he learned the Kozuki clan was trying to reclaim its title to Wano. There are four othe excavation sites just as large as this one. There are tens of thousands of prisoners like us in Udon but not all of them were imprisoned for petty theft and assault. Nearly all of the prisoners here are guilty of rebellion against Orochi.
Luffy can find a way to take down the over-powered guards at his prison, then the Straw Hat captain would likely welcome thousands of allies to the Kozuki party. This kind of army will be necessary if Luffy wants to take down Kaido not to mention Orochi, and Hyogoro seems pretty confident about the plan. Now, it will all come down to Luffy freeing the prison from the likes of Queen and others.

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