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One Piece' Shows-Off Luffy's Risky Scheme Yet

One Piece' Shows-Off Luffy's Risky Scheme Yet

One Piece' Shows-Off Luffy's Risky Scheme Yet
One Piece' Shows-Off Luffy's Risky Scheme Yet
One Piece has put luffy in one of the strong situation yet in the battle against Katakuri in Mirror-World even though it looked like luffy turned the tables where the good times are unfortunately over. Luffy don't let some setback bring back down and lucks into one of his trickiest schemes yet capturing Brulee and running through Mirrors again.

When he know his Gear Fourth was at the limit, Luffy was puzzled fighting against Katakuri without the use of his Haki where without the Haki for that long against such strong opponent he even cant even hit under normal cicumstances luffy had no choiice to run from Katakuri until he could figure out what to do.

when he runs across Brulee, he had been hiding in an corner of the Mirro-World, and a humouorous smirk comes across his face. In this moment Luffy remembers her power and he suddenly grabs her and jumps through a nearby window. Katakuri catches wind of this far too late, however, and breaks the window that would have let him follow Luffy.

Luffy's not out of the woods yet, however, as now he's suddenly on Nuts Island as it's being attacked by a raging Big Mom where the end of the episode sees him in her cross hairs so it will be interesting  fact to see where his cunning scheme takes him next.
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