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One Piece Sets Up a Major Kaido Ambush

One Piece Sets Up a Major Kaido Ambush

One Piece Sets Up a Major Kaido Ambush
One Piece Sets Up a Major Kaido Ambush
One Piece fans know there are some extreme fear  pirates sailing the Grand Line, and few are more feared than Kaido. The leader of the Beasts Pirates is said to be the strongest pirate out there, but that doesn't mean Kaido can't be beaten. A strong team and solid alliance could definitely cause the Yonko to stumble, and it seems Monkey D. Luffy has set up such an ambush.
Recently, the series put out a new chapter, and it was there people learned all about his ambush.The Chapter 952 checks in on the Udon Prison Camp after the team manages to throw the Beasts Pirates off their smell. Luffy manages to rally the prison to fight against their captors which frees all of the inmates. A fake call to Queen leaves Kaido believing the prisoners are back in their cells,
Later in the chapter, One Piece goes so far as to confirm how many allies Luffy added to the Wano Rebellion. Kin'emon is seen calling into the group, and he is relieved to hear his comrades are fine. However, he begins panicking after learning Luffy has brought a staggering 3,500 men to the case. Clearly, the news is welcome to the rebels as many of their civilian supporters were jailed by Orochi, and it is only a matter of time before they are freed too. 

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