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One Piece Details Kawamatsu's Origin Story

One Piece Details Kawamatsu's Origin Story

One of the greatest samurai of Wano Country isn't even human. Kawamatsu, the former bodyguard of the daughter of Oden, Hiyori, believed himself to have failed the young princess, losing track of her when she managed to escape her imprisonment where thefrog faced samurai figured that the best decision would be to restore his honoro by taking his own life, with moved toward a part of the pratices country where he would be able to do so peacefully. Both unfortunately and fortunately for him, he found something else in the form of a magical fox that led him on a whole new path in life.

One Piece Details Kawamatsu's Origin Story
One Piece Details Kawamatsu's Origin Story
Onimaru, the Koma Fox, had a duty of protecting the graves of the Eternal Graves burial site which Kawamatsu attack this magical fox for the first time, that realized that each of these graves had a katana buried within them that could be put to better use than simply resting alongside their masters. Believing that the arsenal of swords could eventually assist in an eventual uprising against Oden and Kaido, the samurai got to work on digging up the graves to help a future army.
Kawamatsu didn't get to work too much before Onimaru bit hard into his arm with Pleading with the fox that this was a task that he needed to do with the magical creature let go of the samurai and allowed him to start digging up the katana beneath their feet. In return where the sword wielding ronan decided to help the Koma Fox in warding away any other grave robbers who were looking to gain the treasure at the burial site of the Eternal Graves.

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