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Dragon Ball Teases How Hearts Will Try To Kill Grand Zeno

Dragon Ball Teases How Hearts Will Try To Kill Grand Zeno

Dragon Ball Teases How Hearts Will Try To Kill Grand Zeno
Dragon Ball Teases How Hearts Will Try To Kill Grand Zeno
Super Dragon Ball Heroes' latest story arc, "Universal Conflict: Dawn of War" hasjust set up some pretty lofty aim for itself. The Core Area Warriors, which the team of villains from the darkest depths of the Prison Planet, have stolen a powerful weapon called the Universe Seed in order to kill Grand Zeno, the strongest god in the multiverse

There's been a big mystery about how the Universe Seed works,  where exactly, and how The Core Area Warriors' leader, Hearts, plans to use the weapon to destroy Zeno. With the seen of Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 14.

The Episode 14 continues with the Core Area Warriors' capture of Universe 7, and attack on Earth and its Z-Fighter heroes. Goku continues to battle against Heart's huge psychic powers, while Piccolo and Android 17 fight a tag-team bout against evil Androids Kamin and Oren, with fused Kamioren form. Despite the impressive power of Kamioren, Piccolo and No. 17 prove to be superior with strategy and sheer strength, and Kamioren finds itself quickly defeated that Seeing his soldier delay, Hearts finally decides to unveil the true power of the Universe Seed - and it is a terrible power.

The entire "Universal Concflict" of this story arc has been the Core Area Warrior's systematic rule of different universes that are home to powerful fighters (6, 11, 7), where Hearts has been using the problem to siphon energy into the Universe Seed like a massive battery. Hearts then takes that energy and channels it through Kamioren in a massive energy spike, which changes the fused android into a hulking  big monster of immense power. Not even the combined effort of Vegeta, Future Trunks, Goku, No. 17 and Piccolo is enough to stop the enhanced Kamioren it's only when Goku randomly manifests Ultra Instinct again that the Z-Fighters see a glimmer of hope.





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