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Did Dragon Ball Super Sneakily Introduce a New Android?

Did Dragon Ball Super Sneakily Introduce a New Android?

Dragon Ball Super manga chapter 51 sees the evil Moro truly step into his newfound power. While Goku and Vegeta are busy working with the Galactic Patrol to come up with a planning for stopping Moro with  the evil sorcerer is erstwhile busy living up to the nickname of "Planet-Eater."
Did Dragon Ball Super Sneakily Introduce a New Android?
After springing his fellow sentence from the Galactic Patrol Prison and giving them a magical upgrade, Moro uses his gang to search out new planets for Moro to feed on. In exchange, Moro's gang gets to loot the planets in advance, with the new manga offering scenes that allow us to get to know some of these sentence better - including a possible new evil android .
We first singled out this member of Moro's gang as being the possible Universe 7 twin of Hit, the top assassin from Universe 6 - but Dragon Ball Super chapter 51 may reveal a different identity for this deadly.

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