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Attack on Titan Kicks-Off Major Eren, Reiner Titan Battle

Attack on Titan Kicks-Off Major Eren, Reiner Titan Battle

Attack on Titan Kicks-Off Major Eren, Reiner Titan Battle
Attack on Titan Kicks-Off Major Eren, Reiner Titan Battle
Attack on Titan's third season has returned from gap of several month break in final batch of new episodes. That have been thrust right into the Survey Corps' operation to retake Wall Maria from the Titans' control. But the biggest obstacles Eren and the others will have to vanquish with Reiner, Bertholdt, and the Beast Titan as they try their hardest to take down humanity.

 The Episode 51 started displeasure match between Eren and Reiner following the events from Season 2 as a more with their abilities Eren takes on a Reiner that has been cut off for quite a long time that was a good showing for the both of them.

Eren increase his strength(Power) with the help by consuming the hardening Titan power where that ability in his knuckles to make them strong enough to break through Reiner's armor. He even notes that while he was punching Reiner's Titan form that feels like he's punching through thin ice. Eren is all too same with Reiner's grappler moves at this point that is mentions how Annie was a tougher hand-to-hand opponent so far.

Eren is way more excited for this fight this time around as he is here to protect his childhood home that was abandoned  away by Reiner and the other Titans that easily dodges Reiner's punches, and each one of Eren's blows land with a great deal of weight that seemed like Reiner was able to get the upper hand on Eren where Eren was waiting for it to prepared all sorts of counter attacks.


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