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PUBG Video Breaks Down New Weapon Mastery System

PUBG Video Breaks Down New Weapon Mastery System

PUBG Video Breaks Down New Weapon Mastery System
PUBG Video Breaks Down New Weapon Mastery System
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has bring with new quality for players to become up to date with now that a Weapon Mastery trademark PC platform. The new  players show off their experience with certain weapons through a progression system that rewards them with special loot including charms that hang from weapons  that signify your skill that  currently only available for the PC platform.

PUBG players who  has participate in the test server runs may have already familiarized themselves with the Weapon Mastery system with PUBG Corp with released the video above to summarize everything that’s new  game’s lobby menus that mark  the Weapon Mastery system and how players are doing with different guns with  players will carry equipment.

 PUBG Corp. said about the new added up  that Hitting difficult shots, surviving longer and defeating more enemies earning   the  Weapon XP at a faster rate. After every ten levels on a weapon, you will be promoted to the next Mastery Tier that Gaining levels and tiers in Weapon Mastery will result in unlocking the rewards content the system has to offer.

The weapon Mastery that feature has multiple areas for the players to prospect with the mastery ranks with different guns that is still has more to do with the players feedback helping to guide the evolution.
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