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'One Piece' Reveals Big Mom's Fiery New Form

'One Piece' Reveals Big Mom's Fiery New Form

'One Piece' Reveals Big Mom's Fiery New Form
'One Piece' Reveals Big Mom's Fiery New Form
One Piece is tearing up part its on going anime arc that seems we got a big surprise regarding with an even bigger villain after all, Charlotte is on the loose and Big Mom has never changed looked so dangerous as she does right now.

It is set that out its latest chapter and the update followed by the Straw Hats on crazy ride that the group is been on the run from Big Mom's crew for the sometime which things got dark when Daifuku's fleet is caught up to the Thousand Sunny that will thankful to the Carrot was able to defeat to her Sulong form nothing could stop Big Mom she reared her massive head.
    '    One Piece' Reveals Big Mom's Fiery New Form

 The final episode of 863 we are left with a terrifying sight that Big Mom was dumb after Daifuku was defeated but she was quickly comforted when zeus & Prometheus returning to her with the help of her Big Mom was able to simply catch up with the Straw Hats and touched down with new form.

Big Mom hit the Thousand Sunny’s deck with a loud crack, and she did so on fire. Big Mom prompts Napoleon to transform into a massive sword as she makes her landing, and Prometheus takes things a step further by lighting Big Mom’s hair aflame. Desperate to eat her wedding cake, Big Mom begins tearing the Thousand Sunny apart, and the Straw Hats are left aghast at all the damage she has caused. Even Jinbe is forced to consider capturing  ship.

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