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One Piece' Shows-Off Germa 66's Daring Sanji Rescue

One Piece' Shows-Off Germa 66's Daring Sanji Rescue

One Piece' Shows-Off Germa 66's Daring Sanji Rescue
One Piece' Shows-Off Germa 66's Daring Sanji Rescue PC- instagram         

The last episode of One Piece saw Sanji and Luffy surprisingly saved by his brothers and sister as the Germa 66 fleet returned to the Whole Cake Island in order to get revenge for the Charlotte Family's attack on them. But they were also importantly there to save their brother.In the attempt to save Sanji and help him get back to the Thousand Sunny, the Germa 66's showed off some of their strongest attacks yet as each of them helped Sanji out of jams.

To save Sanji from getting blown out of the sky, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji, combine their powers to form the "Black Bug" to put a stop to the bazooka missiles flying his way. This showing of strength only increased from there as each of them helped Sanji out at a critical moment. When Oven is about to strike Sanji down with his full might, Ichiji manages to swoop in and uses his strongest attack "Sparking Valkyrie" and manages to temporarily subdue Oven.

He tells Sanji to take off, and Sanji continues running. Next, Yonji helps save him in mid-air by taking down a Charlotte Family member with his special "Winch Guillotine" which extends his arm into a large cord and swings it around, doing major damage to the area. When Sanji slows down in the air, his brother Niji grabs him and amps up his speed. Amping up his blade with electricity, he uses his special move "Henry Blazer." This does a ton of damage, and Niji gives Sanji a huge boost of speed when he throws him.

In the end, Sanji nearly makes it to the Thousand Sunny but he needs one more rescue from his sister, Reiju. Reiju stops a gas attack onslaught when she uses her "Pink Hornet" to poison a group of enemies. She then grabs Sanji in mid-air, and gives him one final boost, pushing him to the Thousand Sunny. It seems that the Germa 66 didn't get to show off their big moves at their fullest, and now they found the desire to do so in saving their brother.

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