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Attack on Titan' Fall Its Most Bloody Titan Moment Yet

Attack on Titan' Fall Its Most Bloody Titan Moment Yet

Attack On Titans latest episode somehow managed to build  another level of Legend that has already been epic season 3 where as Eren & The Scout regiment launched to stop Rod Ressis Titan from eliminating Orvud District where the anime that know for being with nightmare vision of Human Vs Monster title Season 3 "Ruler of the Wall" to deliver in the series one of the most nightmare moments yet.

Attack on Titan' Fall Its Most Bloody Titan Moment Yet
Attack on Titan' Fall Its Most Bloody Titan Moment Yet

The Scout Regiment's battle plan began with "softening up" the Rod Reiss titan with a heavy barrage of cannon fire, as the monster drew close to the wall. The bizarre design of this previously unseen titan form had the Reiss titan literally dragging its face and belly through the dirt, with canons, by the time the titan stood up to attack, it was literally spilling all over the wall of Orvud District where the Reiss titan's insides were molten hot, searing anything they spilled over on.

Attack on Titan' Fall Its Most Bloody Titan Moment Yet

The scene now has in Attack on Titan fans setting a new bar for just how messed up the anime can get saying something pretty significant that season 3 that has been largely free of any titan scenes - but to borrow the current saying of our times: 'Attack on Titan season 3 doesn't always have titans.

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