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One Piece' Preview Teases Luffy v Katakuri Round Two

One Piece' Preview Teases Luffy v Katakuri Round Tw0

One Piece' Preview Teases Luffy v Katakuri Round Two
One Piece' Preview Teases Luffy v Katakuri Round Two
The latest episode of One Piece saw luffy reach an important  conclusion about the Haki Power as he prepares himself with rematch against Katakuri in the Mirror World that things looks good it is starting up immediatelywhich preview for the next episode odf the series ontly tease in tyhe intesnse  situation for Sanji & Bege teases showed the remartch between Luffy & Katakuri

In the episode 861 is titled named " Cake Sank & Bege's Getaway battle which focuses the preview to show what happen to Sanji And Bege after they managed to save Chiffon from her brother Oven's angry Oven hot Clutches. that fighting to getaway from him inst over the end of the preview tease something else.

Which seems that Luffy has jumped back into the Mirro-World and has start a second round against Katakuri which he use of Haki has returned that means he managed to run Katakuri's attacks for 20 minutes with Brulee's "help that flashback to Rayleigh's training reminded him of the fact that his Haki will grow stronger as long as he continues to fight strong opponents.

Luffy v Katakuri Round Two Showdown?

 The way Luffy is intent on fighting and defeating Katakuri this time around, and a slight edge of figuring out the weaknesses of Katakuri's Observation Haki that wonders if he'll be able to see into the future too just like Katakuri does.

The Luffy's newly recovered wish to fight Katakuri, with second wave of Haki, this second round between the two will be the intense one that fight between Luffy and Katakuri has been one of the key teases of the Whole Cake Island arc, and they are waiting to see where it goes as the battle reaches its climax.

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